Freedom Employability Academy

Freedom Employability Academy (FEA) is an educational charity that improves the employability skills of youth from low income backgrounds in India. Many students, after completing the FEA program, more than double their incomes. We have educated more than 100,000 students to date.

The FEA curriculum is designed for youth in the age group of 15 – 27 and has three stages:

Stage 1) Building English language skills, to a level that makes youth effective in the white-collar workplace.

Stage 2) Developing personal skills including self-confidence, discipline, drive, determination, perseverance, self-reliance, adaptability, a growth mindset, agency over their lives, ethics, the ability to communicate, collaborate, have a sense of community and a desire to give back to society.

Stage 3) Fostering a passion for lifelong learning. This helps students prepare for careers in a wide assortment of fields, based on the youths’ own preferences. We make the youth comfortable and then adept at using free massive open online courses (MOOCs) that are offered by a variety of global standard institutions.

The FEA curriculum has been developed in consultation with many global experts and uses the most current techniques that are proven to be effective.

Visitors are welcome to sit in and view our classes and methods of teaching firsthand.


The Story of our founder, deepak chopra, story reflects how we know
one year can change a life!

As a teenager, I walked to my school bus stop through a very low-income neighborhood. Every day, I saw people cooking, eating, and living their lives on the side of the streets. The deprivation, misery, and loss of human dignity brought about by poverty deeply saddened me. I made a personal commitment to never forget what I experienced, and to help solve this immense problem.

As I started my final year of high school, I decided I wanted to go to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), which had a reputation for being a difficult engineering school to get into. Most students who got into IIT were typically in the top 2-3 of their high school class. I had never been even in the top 20 of any class.

So I spent my final year of high school taking as many extra classes as I could and doing everything I could think of to help prepare for the entrance exam. I gave up watching cricket matches, movies and television. I would get up at 4:30 AM and travel 2 hours to the living room of a gifted mathematics teacher, to learn with him before I went to school. I skipped the annual family summer vacation. That entire year I focused deeply on preparing for this single examination so I could have a chance to attend IIT.

And at the end of the year, I was accepted. Having gotten into that university transformed my career options and brought many opportunities. This led me to think that in an average person’s education, one intensive year of extra learning opportunities can have a significant impact on their career. Through the work of FEA, I am seeking to provide that one year experience to as many people as possible, with the hope that it will make a significant and lasting impact in their lives.